Thursday, May 7, 2020

Audience Essay

Audience and Institutions Essay 

1 Assess the importance of marketing in the media you’ve studied.

Marketing in reviewing your product or film to the public is very important for modern films.
This can help preview the film and show how well it would do in the box office. There are three main techniques that we like to use to market or preview our products. They are TV trailer and ads, cross promotion advertisements, and special events involving the film or the cast.

Marketing is usually done within its own company but there are sometimes benefits of cross promotion. For example they can promote a company’s brand or product as well. A great form of this was in Black Panther. Scenes in the movie showed a brand new Lexus. This is a clear example of a partnership the name of the company. For example haven’t had a sleek design and very quick movement type of vehicle. This promotion made A lot of money and they did very well. A great example is from Jurassic World. They partnered with Sony to show that without them the fan will not be possible. I believe these are key examples cross promotion in the film industry.

The next best thing that companies use is TV commercials and ads. Jurassic World is one of Universal’s largest growing films and they use many marketing strategies. Everyone has seen the TV commercials and how prevalent they were in society. They had a tremendous amount of trailers and a lot of TV spots. This helped give a great amount of exposure to the movie because we needed to see what was going to happen in order for us to be interested in watching it.  In toto $1.67 billion or generated to the films company. Another instance of how these ads and commercials lead to a large film was in frozen. Throws it was a very popular kids movie and they were many toys an ad to promote this.  For example the ride at Disney helps gain money for the company.  and the strategy was very good and it will help grow the film and its amount of money it made.  

Lastly marketing is an essential a necessary thing for anything. This is because it encourages audience to go to theaters in the more revenue in the office. Ads and commercials are very important because they have benefit the widespread of the knowledge. Cross promotion is an effective way of marketing because it shows how to cover his work together can get exposure for the overall benefit of the company. Usually two companies will make more than one because it’s a bigger network. When they team up together they gain relationships to help increase their longevity and keep their films growing.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


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In the beginning of the scene actually shows a lot. I can find the camera angles sound and editing techniques are being used to actually portray what the message is that the audience will receive.  Like at second three and over the shoulder shot is shown. This is a commonly used seen for speaking or meetings with boss is in movies. The shot has 1 million of you were entering the room at the criminals point of view which is like his perspective. The shows at a deeper level the interviewer has tremendous amount of dominance over the criminal. Dialogue is also a nurse to show the direct purpose of the sequence. The dialogue between the two characters in the opening scene is an explosion of a bomb. Lastly an eye line match is Used to show how the interview with the knowledge and the security camera because he’s worried. However he is very hostile with a criminal and very aggressive. For example how he says by any means necessary. I believe the author  reveals to the audience that he should be achieved in quotes “by any means”.

Next the next scene is an excerpt from an action drama which is called 24. There’s many aspects that come into a film like this. The mis en scene How to create suspense and shows that it’s very intense. For example the interviewer is very desperate for answers in the criminal can only answer in the moment. For example like flipping the table or doing very cruel things. Despite the crazy scenario it is very effective to reveal a portion of the directors purpose. For example the director employs them and dark light Do you have a good scary scene for the criminal. Also the setting shows that his interview room which means that this is very serious. Since the setting is his interview room the director is objectifying the positions of the characters and pointing out the interviewers retains majority of your Setting . Mini sounds are used to help show that the interviewer is getting very frustrated and upset. Overall the mis en scene is very well put together. It helps show the strong emotion.

The third and last scene of the interview were he lose his grip with his emotions. He feels that he is being taken advantage of. They use close up and split screens to sell the intensity. During two minutes and 30 seconds the interview were in stock in the criminal. He tells him that you were going to tell me everything I want to know or I swear to God I will kill you and no one will stop me. The close-up is used here to show that they are very close to each other and that the criminal is vulnerable in the situation. Also it shows that the interviewer is ruthless and doesn’t care what he wants to do. The interviewer should I feed her by myself but he doesn’t care because he wants to do it by any means. And this is displaying the interviewer/director’s beliefs on this issue and showing his purpose and solution. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

peer review blog

 today, Emanas and I had a peer review. a peer review is a review among our peers' films. the peer we reviewed was Denise. her film was amazing. it was about a twin sister that was separated at birth getting revenge on her family. her transition felt very clean. she had all her beginning titles. her lighting was spot on. due to the lighting, i could tell that she filmed it with an iPhone 11. However, her sound quality wasn't up to par with her lighting. she did a great job handling her phone . i didn't see any tripod or anything out of the ordinary. her film wasn't the correct length though. there was a requirement of at least a 1:50-2:00 long film. she had most of the shots except for long shot, over the shoulder shot, pan view, tilt, or shot reverse shot. one thing i liked about the film is that the girl played different roles in the film. that takes lots of time and hard work to do that so i give her props. she is also the only person in the group. the only thing she needs to fix is sound quality. overall, she made a good film.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Planning Blog: Title Design

Planning Blog 3: Location Participants and Health

Genre Research 5: The Conjuring

The title of this movie is the conjuring. This was a very popular horror film. Here were a few common camera and angles in this film. First the high angle is used to show someone over someone else to show that there is a different level of authority between the characters. Next they give the Over the shoulder shot to make you feel like you are in the characters shoes and never know what will happen next.Lastly, closeups might be the most commonly used angle because it helps show the emotion all over the characters face. Costumes in the film are usually dreary and blood all over peoples bodies.Dark lighting is used to to show that is a very scary film. In this film actors really have to sell themselves to the audience by being anxious. The makeup goes back to the blood and scary things to frighten the audience. Many props are used common things are weapons in this film. The setting of this film is a small farmhouse located in Rhode Island.Non diegetic sounds are often used more to help emphasize what is really going on the screen and to give the audience a juxtaposition. There is plenty of editing in this film the most common are jump cuts and flashbacks to create suspense. The most common elements in this movie are suspense and mystery. I liked the movie overall and how the story was portrayed.I disliked how it was dragging a long most of the time.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Filming blog scenes 19-24

 Emanas and I are doing a blog for scenes 19-24. We shot the last scene for the storyboard. The shooting took about an hour to an hour and a half.  This project has been fun lately but the blogs kill me most of the time. Especially  when you have homework to do and sports. This made the scenes tight to fit in to our schedule. This scene was harder to do because we had blood in this scene. We had to change the script and the victim is now going to be on the toilet than in the tub. We did this because if the victim.was going to be in the tub, we would have to put a pool of blood in the tub leaking out and that's too much work. The tub scene gives us a little blood that we can easily clean up. The blood was easy to make. We had to mix powdered sugar, cocoa powder, food coloring , and water. Fist,, we had to put the entire packet off powdered sugar in the blender and add water. This was the hardest  part because the powemder got everywhere. We added food coloring. Lastly we added cocoa powder and started blending again. The blood came out thick a few times. After a few more blending, the blood started to look like real blood. After. This we finally filmed the last shot and called it a day. Althoigh I had to take a long shower, it was worth it.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Filming blog:7-18

Today, emanas and I have our 2nd filming blog due. I tried to do this blog the day before it was due. Emanas and I filmed but I had other things to do. We filmed for 3 hours. We started filming at my house. We'll film the rest of the film at my aunt's house. That's where my original film setting was going to be. Eventhough the filming was brief we covered the second half of the intro. We plan to refilm as many times as we can.
 The second film we did was the 2nd and 3rd sheet of the storyboard. We had to wait for 3 hours to film because it was nighttime when the scene was drawn out to be. We had to film my brother and I at the door mostly because we kept on laughing. I was the camera man again. I did an amazing job because the camera angles were as steady as could be. We decided not to do the rest of the films. It was getting late so we called it a night. We are going to speed up next week so we can get this done quickly.

Title Research Case 39

Case 39 is a horror movie about a  social worker fights to save a girl from her abusive parents, only to discover that the situation is more dangerous than she ever expected. There's  a total of 19 titles in the opening. The image's the opening show the social worker trying to make it home after a hard day at work. Some angles of angles of nearby buildings can be seen with the titles hidden on them. The opening gives a serious vibe because of all the dull lighting, colors and fonts of the words. With the mixture of the serious song  gives me chills. The opening is very enigmatic because it shows a regular social worker  going home so it left me puzzled because this is supposed to be a horror movie but it felt like a thriller which threw me off. The eye of god angle was put into use in this opening to look at the buildings. I dont know why they did this but it was pretty good scenery. 

Title Research it

 It(2017) is a horror movie remake of the 1990 version that all the old people used to lose their marbles to. The movie is about seven outcasted in dairy, Mainewho face thier worse nightmares that all come from one source: Ann ancient, shape-shifting evil that comes from the sewers every 27 years to prey on the town's children. Banding together because of the nightmares they faced through the summer, they try to face their fears to battle the murderous, killer clown known as Pennywise. There's a total of 16 titles in the intro, which isn't alot but the duration of the titles were extended  so it would take longer. The images shown in the title sequence show bill making the boat he gave to georgy which lead to his fatal demise. The connotation in the movie was done beautifully. The white mixed with the fonts they used in the intro wmgave me a sense of seriousness. Horror is the genre be reinforced through the outset of the title sequence. From the fonts to the creepy piano Bill's mom was playing made the tone and the genre scream at our faces. The title sequence was very enigmatic because it didnt really show anything except bill making George's boat. If I wasn't a fan of the movie it, I wouldn't noticed what movie it was or that the scene was the scene which led to georgy getting killed. On the other hand, the finer knew that this scene would catch a viewer that knows the movie's eye. If you're someone who watched it, you'd catch that seen instantly. They used their modern technology effectively with the camera angles and non diegenic sound and diegenic sound. The angles they used gave that simple title sequence a pop. The dark lighting gives a viewer a creepy vibe when mixed with the non diegenic piano playing in the background. To add on, the switch tondiegenic sound was perfect when georgy went downstairs to where the music was coming from. This is truly a great title sequence. 

A quiet place

A quiet place is a popular movie about a family that must survive a world where they're being hunted by creatures that hunt by sound. Even a single whisper or footstep can bring death to the family. They try to find a way to fight back. The reason I wanted to make a blog on this movie is because it didnt even have titles. However, they still got the tone through the setting and lack of sound. The images show a post apocalyptic town and a family in a pharmacy. This shows that something must've happened to the town for a family to go through a pharmacy to get medicines. The lack of sound adds a creepy mysterious tone because in an apocalypse, I would really be that quiet unless there is a force forcing to be this quiet. Some angles angles and switches from diegenic and non diegenic sound makes the opening scene better. The low angle of the family walking out of the store and the newspaper flapping in the wind saying to stay inside because of the creatures with sound, gave a good explanation to the movie. Also when the family walked over the bridge and the kid made noise with the plane, you can hear the transition from non diegenic music, silence and the non diegenic plane sound, to the diegenic footsteps. This is a very good opening eventhough there wasn't a title sequence.

Title Research Jigsaw

Jigsaw is a horror sequel that's been going on for almost 2 decades. After a series of murders bearing all the markings of the Jigsaw killer, law enforcement officials find themselves chasing the ghost of a man who has been dead for over a decade, and they become embroiled in a new game that's only just begun. There is only a whopping 2 titles  which is really underwhelming.  The only images shown in the title sequence is a trap the police uses to slow down the vehicle. The title sequence gives me an action film vibe because of the high tempo chase music. The movie should be giving off this type of vibe because its supposed to be a horror movie. The title sequence isn't anything special at all. Ot doent give any enigma or give me suspense. The close up shot of the trap wasn't really isn't.

Filming blog:scenes 1-6

 Today emanas and I have a filming blog due. I tried to do this blog the day. Emanas and I filmed but I had other things to do. We filmed for 2 hours. We started filming emanas' house. We'll film the rest of the film at his aunt's house. That's where our original film setting was going to be. Eventhough the filming was brief, we covered half of the intro. We plan to refilm as many times as we can. The first film we did was the first sheet of the storyboard. We had to wait for 3 hours to film because it was nighttime when the scene was drawn out to be. I had to film emanas and his brother at the door mostly because they kept  laughing. I was the camera man. I made sure the camera angles were as steady as could be. We decided not to do the rest of the films. It was getting late so we called it a night. We are going to speed up next week so we can get this done quickly. We also have a peer review so we have to speed up and get a grade for that. If your peer doesn't have a video both of you are going to get a zero.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

planning blog:shooting blog

Today, Bori and I will be making a shooting script  for our movie. A shooting script is the version of a   screenplay used during the production of a motion picture Shooting scripts are distinct from spec. Scripts in that they make use of scene numbers along with certain other formatting conventions described below. They follow a well defined set of procedures specifying how script revisions should be implemented and circulated. A shooting script is just as important as a sound script. It lets the actors know what movements   to do when looking at the sound script. Bori and I chose to make the script about  the actor's movements and less abut the angles. we might change the angles that best fit the scene. when I looked at the shooting script on youtube, it showed a summary before explaining the movements. We have to make about 10 to 20 slides. wish e luck.

planning blog: sound script

Today, my dialogue script is due. To be honest, these waves of blogs has been easy so far. However, I know it's going to get harder. The script wasn't hard because it was only 2 mins of the movie. You shouldn't be making 30 slides because that's not going to fit into 2 mins of dialogue in a movie. Emanas and I decided that the dialogue was going to be simple because it will set the viewer up for the jump scare. Normal conversations will give the viewer a normal feel. Once he/she hears the scream, they will get a feel of concern and suspense. then they will see a pool of blood and a phone on the floor. this is gonna be a good intro.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Recap on PowerPoint

    In the beginning of the year we had a PowerPoint presentation to do. It was supposed to be a project on types of terms in film. This power point is essential for my success in this class. We had to do an ample amount to make sure we know what we are talking. I will use my knowledge and have a great project.

Choosing a genre

  The genre Emanas and I chose was horror because everybody doent have horror films on they're list. Also everybody does want r
To watch scary movies all day for research. I'm sure Emans can make this project work.

Alternate genres for the project

Adventure films are wildly popular in the movie industry because how easy they win the box office. The basic angles are used in the movie but the action scenes bring the angles to life. Costumes in adventure films are combat like outdoor clothing because the protagonist and others are mostly out doors. The lighting in adventure films ate very bright because the protagonist  always has a bright adittude and is well known by others. Acting may vary due to the actor. Makeup is usually fake dirt because the actors are always going to be outdoors. The props are the most important things in the movie. They can be weapons or be the key to bringing a  resolution to the movie. The setting will most likely be outdoors. Common sounds are non diegenic, high tempo musuc because the actors ate always in combat or in a chase scene. The elements of adventure  films  quests for lost continents and exotic setting; the creation of empires, characters embarking on treasure and heroic journeys, travels, explorations, quests and searches for the unknown usually also having to overcome an adversary.  Examples of these films are jumanji and the mummy.

Action films are closely to its adventurous cousin.the camera angles the same. The costumes are mostly combat clothing because there is mostly fight scenes. The lighting low key because it must gives more depth into the actors character. Acting really used toinvolves fighting capability and athleticism but not anymore. Just look at Keanu Reeves. Makeup involves fake wound and blood to make the fight scenes more realistic to the viewers. Props consist of weapons like firearms and swords. The setting may vary because a fight can be in the back alley in New York or in the sands of Egypt. The music is high tempo music and non diegenic punches because people dont really want to get hit or killed.the common elements in this major genre type includes filns that have tremendous impact, continuous high energy, lots of physical stunts and activity, possibly extended chase scenes, races, rescues, battles, martial arts, mountains and mountaineering, destructive disasters (floods, explosions, natural disasters, fires, etc.

Horror movie review: it 2

 It 2 is a sequel  about the evil clown Pennywise returns 27 years later to terrorize the town of Derry, Maine, once again. Now adults, the childhood friends have long since gone their separate ways. But when people start disappearing, they band together to defeat the evil clown. The basic camera  angles  very unique because of the crazy things that happen in  the background like the scene where beaverly was in a over the shoulder angle looking at the photo and the old lady was abnormally walking in the background to another part of the house.  This is one of the reasons why  this movie so great.  Pennywise's costume was so fit for a clown which made it so scary because you  wouldn't expect your everyday clown murdering you.  Due to the innovation of lighting in the cinema, the lighting was high key  for most of the movies until the main characters meet pennywise. At that point, it get really dark in contrast to his bright sinister yellow eyes.  The acting in this movie was top notch due to the well known  actors  that give the movie great emotion and dialogue. The make up of some the creatures in the movie are borderline horrific.  Pennywise's white baby looking face is a direct contrast to his caracter. His eyes dont really count as makeup because the actor can do that on his own. The red stripes across his face and the red nose symbolizes how pennywise is trying to patray itself as a clown.  The main props of this movie are the objects the losers club try to retrieve to perform a ritual to seal pennywise away. The setting is a small town called dairy which baffles me how they could just get out of dairy and they dont have to deal with the clown but plot brings them to the hell hole they call dairy. The sounds of the movie are really eary music and scary piano music. This makes the movie scarier with its diegenic sound. Elements in the movie are jump scares, dismemberment,  gore, good camera angles, and dialogue. I like all the elements in this movie and might be my top 5 best movies of all time because it's not just a horror movie, it also has meaning behind it and it's  well developed characters. 

Horror movie review: sinister 2

Sinister 2 is a movie about a young mother and her twin sons move into a rural house that's marked for death. Following the events from the first film, a different family; a mother and her 2 sons move into a rural house that's marked for death.the camera angles in the movie are very notable and impressive. The close ups, long shots, over the shoulder shots, and medium shots gives the watcher chills. The costume of the boogie man is terrifying.  He wears a tux and is very tall which gives him a slender man type of look. The acting in the movie are mediocre at least but good enough to watch. The make up of the boogie man was terrific. His face is all white with no mouth to which is why he doesn't speak. The props in the  movie contrast the sinister tone of  the movie as most of the props are crusafixes  and other holy objects. The setting of the movie brings a farm type of look as the family lives in a farm house in the middle of nowhere. The common sound was decent but most of the time all there was were lame spikes of eary jumpscare music. The movie was like those wierd creepypastas you'd see on youtube.The elements of the movie are darkness, gore, dismemberment, jumps scares, and filming. The filming element is the element I dont like because it doesn't bring out the creepiness it was intended to make.

Horror movie review: case 39

 Case 39 is a horror movie about a  social worker fights to save a girl from her abusive parents, only to discover that the situation is more dangerous than she ever expected. I dont know if it's me or the camera angles in the 2000's but they were mastered at this time or in this movie. Due to the good acting, lighting, and camera angles make this 2008 movie a classic. Most camera angles used in case 39 are  over the shoulder angles, long shots to show how alone the girl is, low angles, and high angles to assert dominance over the characters. Since the movie was made in 2008, the costumes were normal cloths. There was was lots of high key light at first. However, later in the movie, as the little girl gets more sinister, the lighting dims to low key lighting. The acting in the movie involves great dialogue and lots of emotion which makes the movie better. Believe it or not but there is make up in the entire movie. The origanal parents seem to be malnourished  due to depression and the horror the girl has turned on them. I dont see any props. The setting  is very confined  due  it only being the protagonist's house, her office, and the original parent's house. The diegenic music was uplifting at first but through the movie it gets very suspenseful and eary. I dont recall seeing  any noticing edits  except  for the jump cut. The element of case 39  a mixture of dark and light, suspense, and gore. To be honest,  I like every element of this movie and would recommend them to my friends.

Movie review: the ring

 The ring is a horror movie that involves people who get brutally murdered in 7 days after watching a tape. Most camera angles this movie uses make the movie more suspenseful when mixed with sound effects and edits. Some that were in the movie camera angles are over the head angles, close up angles, high angles, and medium angles. Common costumes in horror movies have the victims in regular cloths and the antagonist in in a white torn up robe to seem abnormal. The lighting in the movie is very low key and dim to create suspense. The common acting in the movie mostly consist of concern in their voices and screaming.  The only make up in the film is the girl who come out of the TV which is very pale to show how dead she looks and yellow comtactsbto make her look demon like or abnormal. The props in the movie involve the 7 objects that are in the video that come to life to show that in 7 days you will die. They are a ladder, chair, mirror, a flies, a tree, a light house, and a well. Common sound is diegebic sound to make the scenes more eary. Common editing in this film are jump cuts and slow/fast pace shots. This movies elements are the dark, suspense, disfigurement, and water. I like all thesecamelemts but the water because I hate water and the only reason I use water is to live and stay clean.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Choosing the final pitch Blog

  We came down to two pitches that we liked. I think all three of our pitches were good but these were easier to do. The two pitches we came down to were pitch 1 and 2. The first pitch is a scene of a man jogging Then a police officer tries to arrest him. The jogger proceeds to run away from the cop elevating to a chase. The cop might even assault him. Maybe not would be very intriguing. He then tries his best to keep jogging. The next pitch is a scene about two friends hanging out. One leaves to go to the bathroom. Later the friend on the couch hears the friend screaming for help. The guy sees his friend in a pool of blood and the murderer that awaits him. This would be awesome. With the effects, edits and cuts.
   The first pitch is a good idea. we can use the fact that the guy is running for good camera angles. I was think of a low angle of the runner foot and the officer's foot. The second blog is a good idea because we can add some dialogue to the scene. And it gives us a chance to use makeup and fake blood which is cool. It's also the only horror movie pitch that we have. If you don't like horror movie you probably still wet your bed. The third pitch wasn't good enough and wasn't really a good pitch for our movie. It doesn't give a hook to the audience and that's what pitches are supposed to do. It was a scene of  a guy giving another guy drugs and the guy faints. The dealer doesn't know what to do.  It’s very vague.  This vague brief pitch and isn't so good.
    The pitch that we went for is the horror pitch or pitch 2. It the most unique and has a little bit of everything in the pitch. It's also easy to do. Horror always leads someone to want to know more. This will make it end on a perfect cliff hanger. We can’t wait to proceed.

Start of Final Task

My name is Bori. I have grown up in Florida. I am trying to Fort Lauderdale high school. I have a little sister. She goes to Stoneman Douglas. I have two parents and my father actually works at the school. My grades have been decent this year but I need to push myself the second semester. We are going to begin the final task. My partner for this task is Em. I have enjoyed this class because it is interesting even though I have no interest in film.

I have learned about 50 or more terms about film in such a short period of time. I  have learned about the camera angles. I have learned about different types of shots. I have learned about sound. Also I have learned about Mis en Scene. Probably the most important thing I learned is to edit. Anything your film can make or break you.  Personally the school computers are not good and I prefer using my own.But it’s not bad and still manageable.

I need to pitch is a Brief Phone call, letter, etc. to try and get someone to use your story.
The overall goal of a media page is to make sure that they are willing to choose your story. We were told To think of three pitches.  Our first pitch is a cop sees a man jogging. Then the cops are chasing him. This will show many of camera angles and different techniques to display it. The next pitch is the gory one. Two friends are hanging out and one leaves. Then the friend gets stabbed and the other one doesn’t know what to do.Then the friend sees him staring at him in the shower.  The final pitch is a friend gives drugs to a friend and  he faints. The other one is hopeless and doesn’t know what to do.