Thursday, May 7, 2020

Audience Essay

Audience and Institutions Essay 

1 Assess the importance of marketing in the media you’ve studied.

Marketing in reviewing your product or film to the public is very important for modern films.
This can help preview the film and show how well it would do in the box office. There are three main techniques that we like to use to market or preview our products. They are TV trailer and ads, cross promotion advertisements, and special events involving the film or the cast.

Marketing is usually done within its own company but there are sometimes benefits of cross promotion. For example they can promote a company’s brand or product as well. A great form of this was in Black Panther. Scenes in the movie showed a brand new Lexus. This is a clear example of a partnership the name of the company. For example haven’t had a sleek design and very quick movement type of vehicle. This promotion made A lot of money and they did very well. A great example is from Jurassic World. They partnered with Sony to show that without them the fan will not be possible. I believe these are key examples cross promotion in the film industry.

The next best thing that companies use is TV commercials and ads. Jurassic World is one of Universal’s largest growing films and they use many marketing strategies. Everyone has seen the TV commercials and how prevalent they were in society. They had a tremendous amount of trailers and a lot of TV spots. This helped give a great amount of exposure to the movie because we needed to see what was going to happen in order for us to be interested in watching it.  In toto $1.67 billion or generated to the films company. Another instance of how these ads and commercials lead to a large film was in frozen. Throws it was a very popular kids movie and they were many toys an ad to promote this.  For example the ride at Disney helps gain money for the company.  and the strategy was very good and it will help grow the film and its amount of money it made.  

Lastly marketing is an essential a necessary thing for anything. This is because it encourages audience to go to theaters in the more revenue in the office. Ads and commercials are very important because they have benefit the widespread of the knowledge. Cross promotion is an effective way of marketing because it shows how to cover his work together can get exposure for the overall benefit of the company. Usually two companies will make more than one because it’s a bigger network. When they team up together they gain relationships to help increase their longevity and keep their films growing.

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